Monday 4 April 2011

Eventually he was going to stop chasing...

Although this is mainly an outlet for dealing with my e.d., I also want to tackle the things that are going on in my life that are difficult to deal with. I was talking the other day about my ex-boyfriend and how I found out he had a new girlfriend.

I don't believe that i miss him or want him back but I guess I was so used to him chasing me and coming back to me that now that he has moved on I can't accept it. I mean when you tell someone to leave you alone, eventually they are just going to stop chasing you and move on. I wish I could be happy for him but I'm just so angry with the way he treated me and how I let it happen. And now I blame this relationship for the emotional turmoil that I am going through.

Yes it has caused emotional turmoil thats for sure, and of course finding out someone who you dated has moved on is hard to accept, especially when you want to be the one who moved on. I wanted so desperately for him to suffer the way he made me suffer but I bet hes pretty happy. Aren't guys lucky...they can treat girls like crap and easily move on to the next one and never experience heart break, while I'm left to pick up the pieces of my own broken heart.

I know I need to stop blaming him for my unhappiness and just move on. Forget about him, accept the reality that he wasn't going to continue chasing me forever and he was going to eventually move on...thats life, and eventually I will too...when I'm ready I will.

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