Monday 11 April 2011

Today's Positive Affirmation

"I am a normal eater"

I felt the need to keep reinforcing this notion of normal or intuitive eating as lately I have been noticing how during the day I am more easily able to tap into my hunger levels but still at night am emotionally eating. For instance last night I had a stomach ache but I still continued to eat.

I realize that this is a journey and that it won't happen overnight but this morning I felt like I was regenerating back to diet mentality and became worried about the fact that tonight I'm going our for dessert and that I have functions coming up. All this eating out lead me to worry about weight gain, and that I began to revert to the dieting mentality of figuring out how to plan food in order to prepare for all these outings etc.

So today's affirmation is to reiterate that this thinking is now longer how I think because now I am a normal eater and I don't worry about food anymore.

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