Monday 4 April 2011

What I'd Be Doing if I Didn't Have a Weight Problem?

One of things that has been suggested to me in order to end my obsession with weight was to avoid any possible triggers that would make me think of it. This includes weight loss or health web sites, planning meals, recipes, scales, weighing and measuring my foods, grocery stores etc...

So now that I have pretty much started doing this I've noticed a few things. number one my binges still haven't completely stopped but they are much more volunteer and there is more of an awareness while doing it...I think its just more habitual now than anything. Also it could still be fueled by the exercise that i do. So this week my goal is to make a conscious effort to try and not exercise that much or eat when I'm not hungry. My problem is usually at night, like most people.

What I have really learned though by getting rid of all these triggers was that my e.d. took up so much of my time and effort. Last night I was looking for good blogs to follow but I couldn't find anything that interested me. This is because normally I would follow weight loss blogs or blogs that have to do with healthy eating/exercise. Since these are something to avoid I have avoided looking at them. But its just amazing to actually realize how much time and thought one has invested in their weight. I now have no idea what other interests I have.

So now I need to think about what I would be doing if I didn't obsess over my weight. Well first thing is I probably would cut down the exercise a bit and sleep in more often. Maybe I would start reading and writing more often, get in touch with whats going on in my brain. Or maybe I'd have more energy due to the lack of stress to do more physical things like finish decorating my room. I would be spending more time with friends thats for sure....maybe party a little bit more. I would definitely try to finally enjoy my 20s but honestly its not something I really know how to do at the moment.

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