Saturday 9 April 2011

Today's Positive Affirmation

"If I make mistakes, I am able to give myself the benefit of the doubt"

We are not perfect and we cannot expect ourselves to achieve perfection. Even when our actions stray off course we need to address all the things that we are doing that is consistent with the person that we see ourselves as. We should celebrate our successes and understand that our mistakes also contribute to our growth as a person and are a necessary part of life.

My binges are getting smaller but they are still there. At times I feel defeated that I can't just put an end to them but I do have to realize that this is a process and I am making small steps towards recovery each day. For instance yesterday when buying my lunch i had a chicken salad in my head but I knew that I actually really wanted I bought it. Normally chicken salads were the only safe food on my list but I am learning to listen to what my body wants an stopping when my body is full.

I am doing quite well during the day but night time is my trigger period and I still haven't conquered it yet. But I must give myself the allowance to make mistakes and continue to work towards recovery.

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