Sunday 10 April 2011

Today's Positive Affirmation

"When I believe in myself, so do others"

I really don't think I give myself credit for all the amazing things that I am doing for myself. It takes a lot of courage to admit that I have a problem and seek help. My determination is a characteristic to admire and I think a lot of people admire me for it and support me through all that I am going through. I need to believe in myself for others to though and I need to trust that whatever I am doing is the right thing.

I also believe that I put to much emphasis on relationships and the fact that I am lacking in that department recently. My ex-boyfriend has moved on and because I haven't I feel like somewhat of a loser or failure because I lost the personal competition that I started between us on who could move on quicker. What I have yet to truly realize is that competition that I started in no way determines that I am a loser just because I am not in a relationship. There is no evidence that whatever relationship he is involved in is better or considered a success but it could quite possibly be a rebound. Regardless my ex-boyfriend is really the equivalent of major douche so I mean a relationship shouldn't be the only determining factor in whose moved on to bigger and better things. Also I need to let go of my past and not address the lives that the both of us have created in comparison to one another.

I need to see myself for who I am and project that to other people because then only good things can come my way...

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